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The work of Eugenia Benelli

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Doralab e il design che funziona

Written by Eugenia Benelli

Eugenia Benelli e Doralab

The collaboration between Eu-genìa and Doralab has started some months ago, with the goal to create a team of professionals who design together digital products and services focusing on the end user. The effective design increases conversions, ROI and the perception of the brand and Doralab focuses on this starting from the internal processes-projects which are constantly refined and optimized in a truly synergistic and choral way.
Check out the new website!

>> Go to Doralab website

Ormai da qualche mese si è stretto il sodalizio Eu-genìa e Doralab, squadra di professionisti che progetta prodotti e servizi digitali mettendo al centro del processo l'utente. Il design efficace incrementa le conversioni, il ROI e la percezione del brand e in questo Doralab è superperfomante già a partire dai processi-progetti interni che vengono costantemente raffinati e ottimizzati in una dinamica realmente sinergica e corale.
Date un'occhiata al nuovo sito della società!

>> Vai al sito di Doralab

Image courtesy of Doralab S.r.l.

Last Updated on 27 July 2011
Hi! Browse Bio Find me

First Steps

My curiosity always leads me to search for new questions about 'how things work'. I’ve found my first answers studying Architecture.

ICT thoughts

After a couple of years of work in the ICT field, I’ve started to think that space ergonomics is not so far from web usability…here comes my i(n)tera(c)tive approach to design in different fields of application.

About experience

I began to investigate people behaviour, working on creative organizational development, communication and managerial education for about three years. From here my experiential approach to design.

Still evolving

My production is now affected by an “eco-drift” in the industrial design field. I’m trying to find new design solutions, more open to people interpretation, innovating behaviours with a bit of environmental care.

Find Me

I'm on Behance networkDelicious social bookmarkingFlickr photo sharingLinkedinI'm a selected artist at Giovani artisti italianiFollow me on TwitterPlay for food eat for freeMy IssuU libraryMy videos on YouTubeMy favors.me

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