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The work of Eugenia Benelli

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Un video per il Forum Risorse Umane 2011

Written by Eugenia Benelli

Eugenia Benelli per il Forum Risorse Umane 2011

Comunicazione Italiana presents the event "Human Resources Forum 2011" by launching the first teaser of the official spot. A film about the lives of three characters who are destined to meet. Men, women, people living with their humanity, humor and sensitivity the role of managers and professionals. The story will be revealed, "getting to the point", during the day of the Forum. The spot was created and produced by Visualdesigners for the eighth edition of the competition Movi&co. Visual: Eugenia Benelli.

>> All about the Forum
>> Go to the video teaser

Comunicazione Italiana presenta l'evento "Forum delle Risorse Umane 2011"  lanciando il primo teaser dello spot ufficiale. Un film che racconta in modo accattivante e curioso la vita di tre personaggi destinati ad incontrarsi. Uomini, donne persone che con la loro umanità, ironia e sensibilità sono manager e professionisti. La storia si svelerà, "arrivando al punto", proprio il giorno del Forum delle Risorse Umane. Lo spot è stato realizzato e prodotto dalla Visualdesigners per l'VIII edizione del concorso Movi&co. Visual: Eugenia Benelli.

>> Vai al programma completo del Forum
>> Vai al teaser del Video

Men, women, people living with their humanity, humor and sensitivity of their role as managers and professionals.
Last Updated on 16 December 2011
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First Steps

My curiosity always leads me to search for new questions about 'how things work'. I’ve found my first answers studying Architecture.

ICT thoughts

After a couple of years of work in the ICT field, I’ve started to think that space ergonomics is not so far from web usability…here comes my i(n)tera(c)tive approach to design in different fields of application.

About experience

I began to investigate people behaviour, working on creative organizational development, communication and managerial education for about three years. From here my experiential approach to design.

Still evolving

My production is now affected by an “eco-drift” in the industrial design field. I’m trying to find new design solutions, more open to people interpretation, innovating behaviours with a bit of environmental care.

Find Me

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