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The work of Eugenia Benelli

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Prezi per la comunicazione aziendale

Written by Eugenia Benelli

Eugenia Benelli for Prezi Presentations

The HR Forum 2011 has been a great occasion for me to meet crucial people and strategic tools for business communication as well. Just from this initiative I have teamed up with Zeranta Edutainment, a factory of new communication formats, with which I am now developing experiments on the "fourth dimension" of infographics using the online tool Prezi. The concept is that of the zooming presentation, an innovative navigational system that allows to use different and creative perspectives to explore the visualization of complex concepts.
Effects of great visual impact, personalized navigational experience and surprise effect, a mix of effective ingredients that we have already successfully used in several business case studies that involved, among others, the Group Intesa San Paolo. I am not allowed to publish these experiences, however, I've decided to publish a 2012 review of my approach to the project to share the great potential of Prezi.

Il Forum delle Risorse Umane 2011 è stato per me occasione di "incontri" cruciali sia con persone che con tool strategici per la comunicazione aziendale e non solo. Proprio a partire da questa iniziativa ho avviato una collaborazione con Zeranta Edutainment, fabbrica di nuovi format di comunicazione, con cui sto sviluppando sperimentazioni sulla "quarta dimensione" dell'infografica attraverso il tool online Prezi. Il concetto è quello della zooming presentation, un sistema navigazionale innovativo che consente di utilizzare punti di vista diversi per esplorare la visualizzazione di concetti complessi.
Effetti visuali di grande impatto, esperienza personalizzata di navigazione ed effetto sorpresa, un mix di ingredienti efficaci che abbiamo già impiegato con successo in diversi casi studio aziendali che hanno coinvolto, tra gli altri, il Gruppo Intesa San Paolo. Non potrò pubblicare queste esperienze ho deciso comunque di pubblicare una rivisitazione 2012 del mio approccio al progetto con Prezi per condividerne le incredibili potenzialità.

women, people living with their humanity, humor and sensitivity of their role as managers and professionals.
Last Updated on 16 December 2011
Hi! Browse Bio Find me

First Steps

My curiosity always leads me to search for new questions about 'how things work'. I’ve found my first answers studying Architecture.

ICT thoughts

After a couple of years of work in the ICT field, I’ve started to think that space ergonomics is not so far from web usability…here comes my i(n)tera(c)tive approach to design in different fields of application.

About experience

I began to investigate people behaviour, working on creative organizational development, communication and managerial education for about three years. From here my experiential approach to design.

Still evolving

My production is now affected by an “eco-drift” in the industrial design field. I’m trying to find new design solutions, more open to people interpretation, innovating behaviours with a bit of environmental care.

Find Me

I'm on Behance networkDelicious social bookmarkingFlickr photo sharingLinkedinI'm a selected artist at Giovani artisti italianiFollow me on TwitterPlay for food eat for freeMy IssuU libraryMy videos on YouTubeMy favors.me

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