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Written by Eugenia Benelli

Eurobet - landing page design


Eu-genìa disegna la nuova user experience del portale di Eurobet, uno dei più noti bookmaker del panorama italiano, appartenente al gruppo internazionale Gala Coral. Il design si è svolto in collaborazione con il management di User Experience & Online Analytics con l'obiettivo di rinnovare completamente la UX di tutti i canali online (comprese le declinazioni mobile), semplificando e ottimizzando i flow d'interazione dopo un'attenta riflessione sui pattern di comportamento degli utenti.
Il mix tra design pattern attuali, le strategie di marketing aziendale e un nuovo stile flat dal carattere immersivo ha dato vita ad un'esperienza utente distintiva che ha interessato le landing page, la splash page principale, le scommesse sportive online -con una bet slip completamente ridisegnata-, le procedure di registrazione, i giochi live e il casino. Alcune funzionalità sono attualmente in fase di sviluppo e di completamento.

Eu-genìa for the brand new user experience of, the web portal of Eurobet, one of the most well-known bookmakers in Italy, part of the international group Gala Coral. The design was done in collaboration with the Online Analytics User & Experience management  in order to completely rethink the UX of all online channels (including Mobile), simplifying and optimizing the flow of interactions after a careful observation of the users behavior patterns.

The mix of contemporary design pattern, the company marketing strategies and a new immersive flat style has given rise to a distinctive user experience that has affected the landing pages, the splash page, the sports page -with a completely redesigned betting slip-, the registration procedures, live games and casino. Some features are currently under development.

Last Updated on 05 May 2014
Hi! Browse Bio Find me

First Steps

My curiosity always leads me to search for new questions about 'how things work'. I’ve found my first answers studying Architecture.

ICT thoughts

After a couple of years of work in the ICT field, I’ve started to think that space ergonomics is not so far from web usability…here comes my i(n)tera(c)tive approach to design in different fields of application.

About experience

I began to investigate people behaviour, working on creative organizational development, communication and managerial education for about three years. From here my experiential approach to design.

Still evolving

My production is now affected by an “eco-drift” in the industrial design field. I’m trying to find new design solutions, more open to people interpretation, innovating behaviours with a bit of environmental care.

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